Or as D. Graham Burnett writes in the epilogue of “A Trial By Jury”,

“.....and it isn’t until the end, the very end...that I see (and I see it sharply, suddenly) that the writing has been, all along (without my knowing), the doing of the thing I wanted so badly from the start, that the writing has done the thing I wanted so badly from the start-- it has made the trial into words, a thing to read, to interpret, to circle back through. A text. Like art. Meaning something different to each person. Keeping the large questions open.

But the trial was not that”

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Obviously ideas can outlive their originator ( or originators,) but any substance that undergoes the process of distillation is no longer the original substance.

AlphaGo’s victory over Lee Sedol is only in the realm of mathematical calculations,

Not the ever mysterious functioning of the human brain, body, and mind.

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