Meaning Lab
#63: Jay Van Bavel on the Power of Us
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -55:54

#63: Jay Van Bavel on the Power of Us

Cognitive Revolution | How this popular neuroscientist connects his cutting-edge research with real-world insights

This is Cognitive Revolution, my show about the personal side of the intellectual journey. Each week, I interview an eminent scientist, writer, or academic about the experiences that shaped their ideas. The show is available wherever you listen to podcasts.

Jay Van Bavel is the closest thing social psychology has to a rock star. His official title is Associate Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at New York University, and both he and his work are much beloved by young psychologists everywhere. His lab studies intergroup neuroscience, and I've found much of his research incredibly inspiring throughout the years. He's popular on Twitter, where you can follow him @JayVanBavel. In an effort to bless the world with more stellar social psychological content, Jay has published a book. It is called THE POWER OF US, and it's officially available for the reading public! Co-authored with his colleague and friend, Dominic Packer of Lehigh University, it's a perfect book for anyone who would like a state of the union on what we know about intergroup psychology and how we can leverage those insights to improve society. You can also follow Jay and Dominic on their Substack newsletter:


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Meaning Lab
Hi there, My name is Cody Kommers. I produced this podcast in graduate school, while doing my PhD in experimental psychology at Oxford. In it, I interviewed over 90+ scientists, authors, and academics about the personal side of their intellectual journey. I wanted to know about the decisions they made when they were in my shoes—just starting their careers—and how those choices impacted the trajectory of their career. I am very thankful to everyone who took the time to share their stories. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to talk to many of the researchers and writers I admire most. I hope these stories can continue to be a resource for other young academics, especially in the cognitive and behavioral sciences.
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