Meaning Lab
#38: Barry Wellman on the Academic Social Network
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -48:53

#38: Barry Wellman on the Academic Social Network

This is Cognitive Revolution, my show about the personal side of the intellectual journey. Each week, I interview an eminent scientist, writer, or academic about the experiences that shaped their ideas. The show is available wherever you listen to podcasts.

Barry Wellman was instrumental in developing the modern understanding of social networks. Barry co-founded the International Network for Social Network Analysis in 1977, with Bev Wellman. The original ideas surrounding social networks began with sociologists -- especially Harrison White, of Harvard, with whom Barry studied -- who were changing the understanding of how people related in society. Barry continued to develop these ideas throughout his long career at Toronto. In many ways, this strain of sociological research is crucial for understanding our modern conception of social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook. Barry is the author or editor of several books, including “Networked: The New Social Operating System” co-authored with Lee Rainie. Keep an eye out for his new book, on academic writing, which is due out in 2021.


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